Sunday Spa Feature – Argan Oil, Aloe Vera, Sweet Orange and Sea Salt hair styling spray

Hair Styling spray with Argan oil, Sweet Orange and Aloe Vera I debated about whether to post this, given the sombre mood this weekend. I’ve decided to keep with the British Bull Dog Spirit and to keep calm and carry on.

This Post is the regular Sunday Spa Feature for an Argan Oil, Aloe Vera with Sweet Orange and Sea Salt hair styling spray.

It is a very simple to create a styling spray that give you plenty of volume and hold for your hair.

The spray consists of  Dead Sea Salt which will provide the volume and hold. If you don’t have Dead Sea Salt, you can substitute this for Sea Salt, or Sugar, though I am not keen on the idea of using Sugar in my hair in case, well, it might attract bugs!

For moisture, since I have some Argan Oil this will protect hair from heat styling and keep your hair smooth and shiny. I’ve also included some Aloe Vera gel, also known for its mosturising properties.Hair Styling spray with Argan oil and Aloe Vera (6)

To scent the spray, I’ve added a few drops of Sweet Orange Essential Oil, you can of course choose something else. I like the scent of Oranges and since using the spray, I’ve found that the Essential Oil gives my hair added shine, it’s great to combine it with the Argan Oil.

That’s basically, it. Just spray into your hair and style as usual, you can use it for adding volume or texture (spray and leave to dry, as this will add natural definition and texture to your hair).

Not bad for a few ingredients found around the home and best of all, not a single man-made chemical or preservative went into this spray, which means better, healthier hair.

All you need are the following ingredients:

100ml spray bottle

65 ml hot water

35 ml Dead Sea Salt or Sea Salt (about 2 level tablespoons)

1 teaspoon aloe vera gel

1 teaspoon vodka

1 teaspoon argan oil

Sweet Orange Essential Oil

Simply combine all the ingredients into the Spray Bottle. It’s easier if you have a small funnel. To make sure the oil mixes in with the other ingredients, I have added a small amount of vodka (you can substitute this for Surgical Spirit or rubbing alcohol but I find that this has a strong scent and I just prefer vodka because it’s scent free).

Just shake to combine the ingredients before each use.


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