Blogging 201 – Day 2

Blogging 201 Day 2, Audit your brand

It’s day 2 of the challenge and the task today was to review each other’s blogs and look at

all the ways you communicate information about your blog to make sure they’re consistent and focused

I somehow managed to lose the daily e-mail posts, so ended up visiting the Commons room which is intended for general WordPress bloggers peer review feedback. There I “blogger” met quite a few bloggers and eventually found my way back to the comment board for the Blogging 201 Challenge.  They provided some invaluable advice and some very kind encouraging words about my blog.

Itsmayuremember thought my blog showed effort because I have included a video clip in my latest post about Lush. I think his blog is a wonderful journey and brave because he’s writing about finding his career and the choices he’s making to get to his goal.

Leisel at Skill Up Skillet commented that my blog has a nice clean look but the pink text on the menu bar to the right was difficult to read. She has a point, though as this blog is written in the WordPress Adelle theme, I’ve looked at changing it but haven’t been able to figure out where the code is for side menu to change. Her other recommendation I have been able to make, which is to move up the Follow the blog by e-mail, which I have done tonight. Leisel has an amazing blog about Gaming and food, a combination which my kids would enjoy as they’re both into Minecraft and the only time I can prise them away from the game is when it’s meal-times!

Brett at Brettfish left a lovely comment:

i’m a guy person and that is not my particular point of interest, i must say i enjoyed the post – the mix of graphic and words is good, you write with refreshing adjective choice and make the topic come alive and you are very direct and to the point which is great [i’m a rambler!] – the theme you have chosen is really good – there is not too much going on but it has an enticing look and feel – i think you have something good there.
Keep on

Which is just so encouraging to read, I was thinking about his comment on the way home tonight, for a guy to take an interest in a post that I had assumed would only be interesting to girls, impressed me.

I was thinking it’s a bit like my husband, he loves to watch football, any kind of sport really and he enjoys the commentary, but I just don’t see what all the fuss is about. I try to maintain an interest, because it’s his thing but as soon as the conversation gets into technical territory such as LBW which is something in cricket, I’m lost.

So my point is that it is such an act of kindness for someone to engage with your post, it’s inspiring and encouraging all at the same time, hence the quote at the beginning of this post.

As for the audit, I know a little about branding because of the industry that I work in. I know that I have a long way to go to make improvements. My Facebook, twitter, tumblr, Pinterest, Google+ all need attention and I should change my Gravatar, upload it at the very least on my WordPress account so that it’s consistent. (All of which is now on my to-do-list).

In terms of writing skills, this is a work in progress too and I think it’s important to get design and visuals to match the subject that you’re writing for.

Most of the time, however, while I aim for getting a good photo, it’s never quite the result I’d like to achieve. I’m following a couple of blogs and Pinterest boards to help collect images that helps to inspire how I style the shot, but I think there is still a long way to go before the images and style of text are what I’d like the visual language/identity to become for the blog.

It’s been a great day, I’ve learnt a great deal about the generousity of people in the blogging community. Thanks again for all the encouragement, help and support. 🙂

One thought on “Blogging 201 – Day 2

  1. Hi. I’m struggling with Day 2 so it’s great to read your experience of it, and as I am four days behind, it is very helpful to me that you have specific posts about your experience of each day’s task, which I my do more directly on my blog, so you’re inspiring me and I am reading your old post, so just by separating posts by days and making it visually easy to see it’s a post for the class is a very effective way for you to get people to go to old posts at least for this class!

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