Dinner awaits – Stir Fried Squid with Udon Noodles

Stir fried Squid with Udon Noodles

Stir-fried Squid, Vegetables and Udon Noodles

This week, the kids have finished school and they are staying with their Nanny and Grandad.

We have to negotiate the holidays carefully, or else we don’t get to see them all summer as the kids like to spend as much time with their grandparents as possible.

I think it’s because they are a lot more laid back and spoil them, which I suppose is the right of any grandparent.



This week also allows us, that is my hubby and me, to re-connect and be a couple, pre-kids, a kind of whole week of date nights.

Except, that I haven’t done all that well in terms of making time for this. I’d forgotten about a work social event tonight which was one of those work functions where you are expected to attend.

Vegiables for Stir Fry

vegetables for the stir fry

We were meant to have a lovely quiet meal at home.

Patient as ever, when I texted my hubby earlier in the day to say I’d be a bit late home, he didn’t make any further comment.

When I called on my way home tonight, he laughed as I’d accidentally left my mobile on as I was asking for directions to the nearest tube station, I felt pretty guilty by now as it was getting late so made sure to say that I didn’t expect him to wait for me, but to eat before I arrived.

When I arrived home, he’d prepared all the veg and as if this wasn’t pretty cool, he’d gotten some fresh squid which he’d purchased earlier in the morning, my favourite seafood so that it could be stir-fried and ready as soon as I arrived home.

The photos really don’t do justice to this dish, it’s so simple but very tasty!

Fresh Squid

Fresh Squid

A stir fry medley of vegetables – any three veg combination of 3 colours, orange, green and yellow/red, with a little freshly chopped ginger and garlic, plus little fresh rings of squid. It’s not to everyone’s taste, squid that is – but it could be any little morsels of fish, chicken, red meat or tofu, all stir-fried with a dash of soy sauce and Oyster Sauce together with fresh Udon Noodles, Stir fried in just a few minutes in a wok.

A bowl of heaven awaited me on my return from work tonight.